A downloadable zine

The short stories in this collection dwell in haunted places. If you get lost in the words, you might be alarmed at first, but you’ll get used to it. You live here now.

This 32-page zine contains seventeen pieces of surreal flash fiction about haunted spaces and the terrible people who inhabit them. Although the stories in this zine fit firmly into the mode of magical realism, I wanted to use the medium of fiction to explore a truly terrifying set of real-life themes relating to housing, from gentrification to rent spikes to urban depopulation.


Haunted Houses.pdf 263 MB


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These short collections are excellent reading when I'm in limbo somewhere.

(1 edit) (+1)

rural rot and urban decay what more could a modern horror fan want? some people are forgotten after death, some of us are forgotten while we're still here.